Marlowe weighs in on 3x New York Times Bestseller 'Hollywood Dirt' - Authors A.I.

Alessandra Torre
May 14, 2020

I was one of the early readers and fans of The Bestseller Code, so I was familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence and the comparative power of its critique. It didn’t worry me, but I did see it as a bit of a challenge. Would the intelligence really see my character’s personalities? Would it be able to tell the narrative beats and pacing of my writing? I submitted my manuscript to Marlowe, then scoffed over the likelihood of accuracy while downing a soda and watching the clock. Fourteen minutes later, I received her report.

Click here to see her opinion of Hollywood Dirt.

It was interesting, seeing my novel broken down into such clean and interesting charts and graphs. Right there, in a peek of purple, the moment my heroine confronted my hero. And there, in another plot arc, the climax! I turned the pages faster, torn between seeing everything and reading all of the detail. I poured over the character charts, pleased to see that each of my characters were distinct and varied. I winced over the profanity counter and almost came out of my seat at the adverb and adjective lists. As it turns out, I really like to use the word really. Ugh! I wish I’d run this report before I published a book that contained it 71 times!

I have to say that the dialogue percentage was one of the things I found most interesting, and one I want to compare my other novels to. In fact, I’m dying to run all of my books past Marlowe, especially my weaker novels – and see what shortcomings Marlowe is able to pinpoint in them.

With my work-in-progress, I’m going to test the A.I. technology with my early drafts and let her do some of the heavy lifting before my editors come in. Hopefully, Marlowe can save me a round or two with them.

Want to see Marlowe’s take on your own novel? Click here to check out our plans or order a single report


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