AI and writing Archives - Authors A.I.
Takeaways from Author Nation

Takeaways from Author Nation

Some fear and loathing in Las Vegas — but not as much as you’d expect One of the big takeaways from Author Nation — the world’s largest gathering of independent and hybrid authors — in Las Vegas last week was the ringing consensus that AI has encroached into nearly every facet of the book publishing […]

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An AI looks at 5 Science Fiction bestsellers

An AI looks at 5 Science Fiction bestsellers

Here's a look at top-selling Science Fiction novels and what an AI can tell us about the patterns it detects in the titles that hit the top of the charts.

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An authors-led startup’s crowdfunding campaign

An authors-led startup’s crowdfunding campaign

Authors A.I. has just launched a crowdfunding campaign on StartEngine, the world's largest crowdfunding platform. Here is what crowdfunding is all about.

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For florid purple prose, just ask an AI

For florid purple prose, just ask an AI

Here are examples of flowery purple prose for romance novels created by generative AI whose models were not properly trained.

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