Do you need a writing coach? - Authors A.I.

Alessandra Torre
July 19, 2021

I’ll be honest, I’ve never been sure what exactly a writing coach does. I’ve always sort of shelved them into the stack of things that I’d rather not think about. The idea of someone hounding me to “write, write, write” sounds like a special kind of torture. But hey – I can’t judge what I don’t know, which is why I asked fantasy author Dave Reed to chat with me about using a writing coach.

Dave spent almost a decade trying to write his first novel and only succeeded after he started working with a coach. Here’s our live chat on the subject:

In our chat, Dave does a great job of explaining how to find a coach and how a coach works with the author. For Dave, the coach doesn’t help him with his storytelling, but rather how to work past his blocks and find the motivation and method to be productive and put in the work.

Dave also shares some lessons that he has learned from his coaches. Here’s a quick list of seven lessons he’s learned (watch the video to see him explain these lessons):

1. Pick a coach who works for you. Not every coach works for everyone. There’s no One True Way to write.

2. Learn how your brain is wired. This will change your life and your writing.

3. Write at your own pace. Fast or slow or early or often, whatever works for you.

4. Take advice carefully. Just because a “pro” says it doesn’t make it true.

5. Debunk the myths. No two writers write the same way.

6. Choose your own adventure, don’t let someone else choose it for you.

7. Give back to the community. Share your experiences and help coach somebody else.

In the above video, he dives into each of these items in greater depth and with examples. I encourage you to watch our chat, whether or not you think you’ll ever use a coach.

On this topic:

Dave Reed’s author website:

Dave’s Coaches: Becca Syme’s Writing Academy

Explore Marlowe (the A.I. developer):

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