Marlowe 2.0: The latest in AI for authors
We're announcing the release of Marlowe 2.0, an artificial intelligence tool to help authors improve their long-form fiction.
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Do you use crutch phrases and not even know it?
One of the coolest things about our novel-loving A.I. editor is her ability to expand into new areas based on suggestions from the author community. Here's a look at our newest feature, repetitive phrases.
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Can A.I. really help authors with their fiction writing?
In this video interview, two co-founders of Authors A.I. explain how their artificial intelligence can be used by authors to enhance their storytelling.
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How an artificial intelligence judged my novel
I had just sent the final version of my latest thriller off to be analyzed by Marlowe, the Authors A.I. textual analysis bot. Could she help me write a better book?
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Marlowe weighs in on 3x New York Times Bestseller ‘Hollywood Dirt’
Marlowe read Torre's bestseller Hollywood Dirt in less than two minutes and delivered a 25-page report that surprised and intrigued Alessandra. Take a look at Marlowe's full report, then read the author's response below.
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