Join us for a live video chat
Friday, February 3rd 12PM Noon ET
(9 am PT / 11 am CT / 5 pm UK time)

In this episode of First Draft Friday from Authors A.I. on Friday, February 3rd our guest author A.L. Jackson is in a discussion with Alessandra Torre.
With always trying to dream up our next explosive, never-before-seen plots, we sometimes forget to focus on what really drives that plot-our characters. Join NYT bestselling author A.L. Jackson as she shares insight on how to develop unforgettable characters that will live in our readers’ hearts forever.
Join us as we will discuss Deepening Character Developments.
This is a FREE live chat, so please bring your questions and opinions to the event! In this First Draft Friday live video chat, A.L. Jackson will answer questions, and give you actionable tips!
Sign up today.
If you haven’t already, Meet Marlowe: The self-editing tool and visit our Writers Resource Center with free resources our team of authors has put together to help you on your writing journey.