Join us for a live video chat
Friday, October 28th at 5PM ET
(2 pm PT / 4 pm CT / 10 pm UK time)

In this episode of First Draft Friday from Authors A.I. on Friday, October 28th our guest author Scott Bartlett is in a discussion with Alessandra Torre – Defeat ‘Writer’s Block’ with Outlining!
Science fiction author Scott Bartlett will discuss and share his simple method for structuring stories. Knowing where you’re going in a story will help you define goals for each scene, keeping the words flowing!
Join us as we discuss outlining stories in advance.
This is a FREE live chat, so please bring your questions and opinions to the event! In this First Draft Friday live video chat, Scott will answer questions, and give you actionable tips!
Sign up today.
If you haven’t already, Meet Marlowe: The self-editing tool and visit our Writers Resource Center with free resources our team of authors has put together to help you on your writing journey.