Why do we find (some) stories satisfying?
The answer may surprise you. Here’s a peek behind the curtain of tropes and genre conventions. Why do some stories resonate with readers while others fall flat? Could be a lot of things. Scintillating plot. Great characters. Stellar writing and storytelling. But often, the reason comes down to an unexpected source: tropes. A trope is a recurring […]
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An AI looks at 5 Science Fiction bestsellers
Here's a look at top-selling Science Fiction novels and what an AI can tell us about the patterns it detects in the titles that hit the top of the charts.
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An AI assesses six Fantasy bestsellers
This article looks at how to write a Fantasy bestseller using artificial intelligence feedback to fine-tune your novel.
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Marlowe analyzes 5 more bestsellers of 2023
What makes a novel a bestseller today? Today we'll look at five bestsellers of 2023 and an AI analysis of each.
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Our AI dissects the bestsellers of 2023
The AI analysis tool from Authors AI examines the plot structure, story beats and pacing of five bestselling novels of 2023.
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