For florid purple prose, just ask an AI
Here are examples of flowery purple prose for romance novels created by generative AI whose models were not properly trained.
Read MoreAn AI assesses six Fantasy bestsellers
This article looks at how to write a Fantasy bestseller using artificial intelligence feedback to fine-tune your novel.
Read MoreMyths, fantasy and dark anti-heroes
Romantasy author Scarlett St. Clair, author of NYT bestseller "A Touch of Chaos" on writing dark anti-heroes
Read MoreWhat turns a Fantasy novel into a bestseller?
Marlowe, the AI from Authors AI, offers insights into what turned these six Fantasy novels into bestsellers.
Read MoreMarlowe analyzes 5 more bestsellers of 2023
What makes a novel a bestseller today? Today we'll look at five bestsellers of 2023 and an AI analysis of each.
Read MoreWriting as a hybrid author
Alessandra Torre and USA Today bestselling author Xio Axelrod discuss the benefits of being both self-published and traditionally published.
Read MoreOur AI dissects the bestsellers of 2023
The AI analysis tool from Authors AI examines the plot structure, story beats and pacing of five bestselling novels of 2023.
Read MoreWhen authors pivot to a new genre
Wall Street Journal bestselling author Jeff Wheeler discusses switching from writing in the fantasy genre to writing action thrillers.
Read MoreWhat to do about reviews: the good, the bad and the ugly
Best-selling thriller author Andy Maslen reflects on the good, bad and ugly of reader reviews.
Read MoreHow to incorporate your life into your novel’s characters
Authors Alessandra Torre and Mary Carroll Moore discuss how writers can incorporate themselves into their characters. Mary Carroll shares how she incorporated some of her own life experiences into her new book, "A Woman’s Guide to Search and Rescue."
Read MoreA memoirist steps through self-imposed barriers
Author Debbie Weiss shared her journey of overcoming self-imposed boundaries to write her memoir, "On Second Thought, Maybe I Can."
Read MoreWhat is creative nonfiction?
Lynne Golodner, an author, entrepreneur and writing coach, discusses the similarities & differences between creative nonfiction & fiction with Alessandra Torre.
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