Welcome to Authors A.I.!
Welcome to Authors A.I.! We’re a new venture created by authors and data scientists to help authors write better books and to help readers find books they love. Writing great books is our passion, and we’re pushing the craft forward in some remarkable ways.
Our idea is pretty simple, really. We’re using the power of artificial intelligence to help authors improve their writing and create unputdownable books. We’re also using the same A.I. technology to help readers find books they love based on stories they’ve already enjoyed.
At the outset, we’re just about fiction. If you write thrillers, romance, mysteries, fantasy, sci-fi, young adult, horror or one of a thousand other subgenres, we’d like you to meet our fiction-loving A.I., Marlowe. Marlowe can read and critique your work with a comprehensive 32-page report in a matter of minutes and deliver fascinating, actionable insights.
Marlowe’s reports are available through an annual or monthly plan or as single purchase.
We’re continually improving Marlowe’s capabilities. If you’re interested in our A.I.’s future development, or would like to connect with a community of aspiring, new and established authors, please join our Facebook group. We hold live chats on craft, post exciting updates and share a deep appreciation of fellow writers.
Our team is here if you have questions or need any help. How did you hear about us? I’d love to know … drop me a note!
I hope Marlowe helps you as much as it has helped me.
Good luck with your writing,
Alessandra Torre, CEO