self-publishing Archives - Authors A.I.
MarloweJune 4, 2020
How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

I had just sent the final version of my latest thriller off to be analyzed by Marlowe, the Authors A.I. textual analysis bot. Could she help me write a better book?

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Authors AI newsApril 24, 2020
Authors A.I. named a finalist in startup competition

Authors A.I. named a finalist in startup competition

Authors A.I. was named one of the finalists chosen in a talented field competing for a $50,000 top prize.

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Author resourcesNovember 30, 2019
Kinga Jentetics on PublishDrive’s services for authors

Kinga Jentetics on PublishDrive’s services for authors

Here's a four-minute interview I conducted in the hallway at the 20Books Vegas conference on Nov. 14, 2019, with Kinga Jentetics, CEO and co-founder of the ebook publishing platform PublishDrive.

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ConferencesNovember 17, 2019
Photo outtakes from 20Books Vegas

Photo outtakes from 20Books Vegas

Photo outtakes from 20Books Vegas I’m just back from the 20Books Vegas conference, the largest gathering of independent authors in the world, held Nov. 12-14, 2019, in Las Vegas. How popular is 20Books? When tickets go on sale each spring, they sell out in about an hour. About 1,000 attendees pack smokey Sam’s Town Hotel […]

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