Compiled by J.D. Lasica, Authors A.I.
The coronavirus pandemic has thrown this year’s author conferences into disarray. Some have been converted into online-only events. Others have been postponed or canceled. Please check the conference website for the latest. (This table is best viewed on a tablet, laptop or desktop computer.)
Major Events | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | 2021 | |||||||
Event | Date | Location | Cost | Description | Site | ||
Major Book Fairs | |||||||
London Book Fair | March 10-12, 2020 | West London | Visitors pass: £50 ($65 US) | Meet fellow authors, agents and representatives of audio, TV, film and digital platforms. The Alliance of Independent Authors calls this “the most author-friendly of the big international fairs by far.” | | ||
Book Expo America | May 27-29, 2020 | New York | Approx. $250-$300/day | Writers, readers and vendors converge at largest book trade fair in the U.S. Meet publishers, bookstore owners and authors, including a few indies. Its New Title Showcase claims to be “the #1 place to launch your new print or ebook title.” Conference on day 1, exhibits on days 2-3. | | ||
Frankfurt Book Fair | Oct. 14-18, 2020 | Frankfurt, Germany | Tickets go on sale in June, pricing not announced | Last year's event had 302,000 visitors from 104 countries from the trade industry and general public. Geared to traditional publishers, with 7,500 exhibitors on hand. | | ||
Conferences/events | |||||||
FEBRUARY 2020 | |||||||
San Miguel Writers' Conference & Literary Festival | Feb. 12-16, 2020 | San Miguel, Mexico | $345-$875 | This prestigious bilingual literary gathering attracts 750 participants—distinguished authors, established and emerging writers, industry experts and teaching pros—from the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Europe for workshops and master classes. | conference site | ||
San Francisco Writers Conference | Feb. 13-16, 2020 | San Francisco | $850 | Attendees will join with 100+ presenters (authors, agents, editors and publishers) from across the country and around the world. SFWC events are consistently rated among the top writer’s conferences anywhere. Meet experts on self-publishing, book promotion, platform building, social media, audio books, podcasting and author websites. | | ||
Southern California Writers Conference | Feb. 14-16, 2020 | San Diego | $375 | The conference's focus is on connecting writers and agents. SCWC has manged to facilitate more than $4 million worth of first-time author book and screen deals. Limited to 175 conferees. | conference site | ||
Coastal Magic Convention | Feb. 20-24, 2020 | Daytona Beach, Fla. | $100 full conference, $65 day pass | A celebration of the magic of stories and storytellers in a beachside setting. | conference site | ||
Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference | Feb. 21-22, 2020 | Tempe, Ariz. | $250 early registration, $150 single-day pass | The conference features workshops in fiction, creative nonfiction, and publishing, as well as craft classes, lectures, panel discussions and readings. Nine faculty members. | conference site | ||
San Francisco Indie Uncon | Feb. 21-23, 2020 | San Francisco | About $50 | Held at the Cloud Room in the Hilton, 750 Kearny St., the uncon has no set agenda and is a free-wheeling event where authorpreneurs who have some experience in self-publishing share information. Limited to 50 people and apparently it's invitation-only. | conference info | ||
Genre-LA Creative Writing Conference | Feb. 28-March 1, 2020 | Los Angeles | $349-$599 | This 20th annual event gathers more than 30 best-selling authors of genre novels, literary agents, editors, publishers, industry experts, Hollywood veterans, educators and publishing professionals. | | ||
Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat | Feb. 28-March 1, 2020 | El Rancho, Kāpiti Coast, New Zealand | $345 | Hey, it's summer in February in New Zealand. The two-day gathering features intensive morning workshops, lively afternoon discussions and space to write, relax and engage with topics critical to your work. Six faculty members on hand. | conference site | ||
MARCH 2020 | |||||||
AWP Conference | March 4-7, 2020 | San Antonio, Tex. | $220 for members, $320 for non-members, $70 for students. | The Association of Writers and Writing Programs, the largest literary conference in North America, attracts more than 12,000 writers and readers and 800 exhibitors for four days of readings, panels and writing lectures. | | ||
Minnesota Writing Workshop | March 7, 2020 | St. Paul, Minn. | $189+ | The 2019 Minnesota Writing Workshop will put on a full-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop. It's limited to 200 people. | conference site | ||
Atlanta Writing Workshop | March 7, 2020 | Atlanta | $189+ | This full-day “How to Get Published” writing event offers a chance to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor and get your questions answered. Limited to 200 writers. | conference site | ||
*SPF Live | March 9, 2020 | London | £30 ($39 US) | The first live event put on by Mark Dawson and the rest of the Self Publishing Formula team. | SPF Live | ||
Left Coast Crime | March 12-15, 2020 | San Diego | $235 | The annual mystery convention Left Coast Crime is for fans of the mystery/crime genre: readers, authors, librarians, bloggers, publishers, editors, agents and booksellers. | | ||
Book Lovers Con | March 18-22, 2020 | Nashville, Tenn. | $395 for five-day registration | Taking the place of the Romance Times Booklovers Convention, Book Lovers Con brings together authors, fans, bloggers, booksellers and librarians who'll attend workshops by day and socialize by night. | | ||
SleuthFest | March 26-29, 2020 | Boca Raton, Fla. | $405 members, $445 non-members, $85 one-day workshop | Sponsored by the Florida Chapter of Mystery Writers of America, SleuthFest is geared to mystery, suspense and thriller writers of all levels, offering sessions on the craft of writing and marketing as well as social events and appointments with agents and editors to pitch your finished work. | | ||
Writers Institute | March 26-29, 2020 | Madison, Wisc. | $355 (early registration) to $395 | The Midwest's premier writing conference from the Writers Institute, branded as Pathway to Publication, offers four days of education, entertainment and writing inspiration. Reps from traditional agencies and self-publishing companies will be on hand. | conference site | ||
APRIL 2020 | |||||||
Las Vegas Writers Conference | April 2-4, 2020 | Las Vegas | $199-$449 | This conference is dedicated to helping writers of all genres improve their craft, sharpen their business skills, and network with publishing professionals. Held each spring at the Tuscany resort. Pitch sessions with literary agents and editors are included. | conference site | ||
*IBPA Publishing University | April 3-4, 2020 | Redondo Beach, Calif. | $395 members, $495 non-members | IBPA dubs its event “the premier educational event for independent book publishers,” offering more than 30 educational sessions. | | ||
The Muse and the Marketplace | April 3-5, 2020 | Boston | $415 (one day) to $559 (three days) | The event draws more than 140 well-known authors, literary agents, editors and publishers. It's put on by the nonprofit GrubStreet. | conference site | ||
Norwescon | April 9-12, 2020 | Seattle-Tacoma | $75+ | Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest’s premier science fiction and fantasy convention and one of the largest regional science fiction and fantasy conventions in the U.S. | | ||
StokerCon | April 16-19, 2020 | Scarborough, United Kingdom | Approx. £130 ($155 US) | The Horror Writers Association's annual convention, held in conjunction with the Bram Stoker Awards, is the premier event for writers and publishers of horror and dark fantasy. | | ||
*Chanticleer Authors Conference | April 17-19, 2020 | Bellingham, Wash. | $75-$575 | This gathering, geared to self-publishers, is designed to share insights and business knowledge about the book marketing and business side of being an author and/or publisher. | conference site | ||
Pikes Peak Writers Conference | April 17-19, 2020 | Colorado Springs, Colo. | $425 through March 27, then $495 | The three-day conference is full of in-depth workshops, best-selling keynote speakers, opportunities for one-on-one time with agents and editors, the chance to read your work aloud for constructive critique and the opportunity to socialize with fellow writers. | | ||
UNM Writers Conference | April 18, 2020 | Albuquerque, N.M. | $225 | Put on by the University of New Mexico, the event is focused on traditional publishing, with editors and agents on hand to discuss industry trends in publishing for short stories, novels, narrative non-fiction, poetry, memoirs and more. | | ||
New England Speculative Writers Conference | April 18, 2020 | Portland, Maine | $150 free members, $125 paying members | In this one-day interactive conference & networking event, you'll learn from professionals, connect with like-minded authors and expand your writing career. | conference site | ||
ASJA Writers Conference | April 19-20, 2020 | New York | $439 non-members | The American Society of Journalists and Authors Conference attracts some 500-600 people each year and focuses on helping independent writers succeed. | ASJA conference | ||
Michigan Writing Conference | April 25, 2020 | Livonia, Mich. | $189+ | This full-day “How to Get Published” writing event offers a chance to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor and get your questions answered. Limited to 200 writers. | conference site | ||
Seattle Writing Conference | April 25, 2020 | Seattle | $189+ | This full-day “How to Get Published” writing event offers a chance to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor and get your questions answered. Limited to 200 writers. | conference site | ||
*Self-Publishing Conference | April 25, 2020 | Leicester, UK | £75 ($98 US) | A UK conference dedicated to self-published authors, this gathering offers sessions on topics such as writing, production, marketing and distribution. You’ll also find plenty of opportunities to network with fellow indie authors. | conference site | ||
MAY 2020 | |||||||
2020 Writing Conference of Los Angeles | May 2, 2020 | Culver City, Calif. | $189+ | This full-day “How to Get Published” writing event offers a chance to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor and get your questions answered. Limited to 200 writers. | conference site | ||
Ireland Writing Retreat | May 4-10, 2020, and other dates | Gweedore, Ireland | From €1,290 ($1,413) incl. B&B | Be inspired by an ancient mythical landscape on island and hill walks listening to expert guides recite local legends on the Donegal Wild Atlantic Way. Listen to traditional Irish music played by local singer-songwriters. Return home with several finished works read and critiqued during one-on-one tuition sessions with published authors and group discussions. | conference site | ||
Storymakers Conference | May 7-9, 2020 | Provo, Utah | Sold out | Sponsored by the LDStorymakers Author Guild, the event offers author lectures, intensive classes and more. From the site: "Many conference attendees have faith in common, but our conference is not religious in nature. We pray over our meals." | conference site | ||
SFWA Nebula Conference | May 28, 2020 | Woodland Hills, Calif. | $235 conference, $360 with banquet | The 54th event from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America features three tracks relevant to professionals in the genre; choose from career management, professional development and expert knowledge panels and workshops. | | ||
JUNE 2020 | |||||||
*Inkerscon | June 3-7, 2020 | Dallas | $549 | Hundreds of authors will attend this gathering, which offers workshops and panels in writing, marketing and business practices. The curriculum is designed to boost your career to the next level, whether you're starting out or an advanced author. Remote access available right after the conference ends for replays. | | ||
Santa Barbara Writers Conference | June 14-19, 2020 | Santa Barbara, Calif. | $699, or $150 for day pass | The six-day event offers lectures, workshops and informal conversation about writing style and craft as well as networking with industry professionals. | | ||
Jackson Hole Writers Conference | June 25-27, 2020 | Jackson Hole, Wyo., | $375-$410; day pass, $150-$200 | Set in Grand Teton National Park's back yard, the conference’s intimate size means writers meet each other and the faculty, share ideas along with a glass of beer or wine, and make new contacts in a workshop. | conference site | ||
JULY 2020 | |||||||
Thrillerfest | July 7-11, 2020 | New York | $155-$1,295 | Ground zero for mystery and thriller authors, Thrillerfest includes sessions on writing, publishing, marketing and agent pitches. While the focus is heavily weighted toward traditional publishing, indie thriller author Joanna Penn says she felt “accepted as an indie, with no judgment around my business choices.” | | ||
Sewanee Writers’ Conference | July 21 to Aug 2, 2020 | Sewanee, Tenn. | $1,800 for tuition, room and board | Unlike most conferences, there's an application process. Sewanee is built on a workshop model in which each participant is assigned a working group that meets every other day, combining lectures and informal exchanges. Each one is led by two faculty members, but attendees can also meet with faculty one on one. The focus of this conference is on finishing submitted work, not generating new pages. | | ||
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Summer Conference | July 24-27, 2020 | Los Angeles | Not yet announced | Many of the biggest authors and illustrators in children’s books will be joining a bevy of agents, art directors and editors during three days in L.A. (The Winter Conference in New York on Feb. 8-9, 2020, is sold out.) | | ||
RWA 2020 | July 29-Aug. 1, 2020 | New York | Registration opens March 10; last year's pricing: $275 – $724 | Put on by the Romance Writers of America, RWA is where more than 2,000 romance writers and industry professionals gather to learn, network and boost author careers. | | ||
WorldCon | July 29-Aug. 2, 2020 | Wellington, New Zealand | Not yet announced | The World Science Fiction Convention, the annual convention of the World Science Fiction Society held since 1939, brings together science fiction and fantasy fans, writers, artists and creatives. The social event has grown to include genre television, movies, animation, games and other media. | | ||
AUGUST 2020 | |||||||
Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference | Aug. 12-22, 2020 | Ripton, Vt. | $3,631 | Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, held on the Middlebury College campus, brings together emerging writers and faculty to experience the intensity of working under the guidance of notable writers. There is an application process that closes each February. | conference site | ||
Writer's Digest Conference | Aug. 13-16, 2020 | New York | $349 - $499 | Editors of Writer’s Digest put on this annual conference devoted to craft, career and creative inspiration. Pitch to agents in the hallway or at the Pitch Slam. | conference site | ||
When Words Collide | Aug. 14-16, 2020 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada | $45 CAD | When Words Collide is a festival for readers, writers, artists and publishers of commercial and literary fiction, including genre, YA, children's books and poetry. | | ||
Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference | Aug. 14-16, 2020 | Los Angeles | $299-$599 | A sister conference of the Genre-LA event on Feb. 22, this event at Los Angeles Valley College features lectures, workshops, panels and access to the Resource Center. | | ||
Killer Nashville | Aug. 20-23, 2020 | Nashville, Tenn. | $319-$419 | The conference is a four-day event bringing together some of the world's best authors, aspiring writers, agents, editors and other industry professionals. | | ||
Creatures, Crimes & Creativity (C3 Con) | Aug. 28-30, 2020 | Columbia, Md. | $140 (one day) to $265 | C1 Con is the gathering spot for readers and writers of mystery, suspense, thriller, horror, sci-fi, fantasy and paranormal. | conference site | ||
Bubonicon | Aug. 28-30, 2020 | Albuquerque, N.M. | $35-$40 | Bubonicon is the annual multigenre convention in Albuquerque put on by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. It's the largest SF convention in New Mexico and among the oldest in the Southwest. | | ||
*Orlando Reads | Aug. 29, 2020 | Orlando, Fla. | $10-$300 | This annual author/reader event celebrates indie, hybrid and traditional authors and artists. Look for workshops, expert panels and nightly parties. | | ||
SEPTEMBER 2020 | |||||||
DragonCon | Sept. 3-7, 2020 | Atlanta | $105 | DragonCon is the largest multimedia, popular culture convention focusing on gaming, comics, literature, art, music and film related to sci fi and fantasy. | | ||
Colorado Gold Conference | Sept. 11-13, 2020 | Denver | $349 - $599 (last year) | The Colorado Gold Conference is put on by the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, a nonprofit, volunteer-run organization. | | ||
Digital Book World | Sept. 14-16, 2020 | Nashville, Tenn. | $1,400 | A gathering of publishing stakeholders: 33% big publishing houses; 20% small to mid-size presses; 15% university presses; 10% corporate publishers, 10% trade associations, nonprofits & advocacy groups and 2% self-published authors. | | ||
Penned Con | Sept. 17-19, 2020 | St. Louis | $10 - $400 | Here’s a family-friendly event focused on meeting your favorite authors (with two days of signings) in a relaxed setting while raising money for autism research. | | ||
Kentucky Women Writers Conference | Sept. 17-20, 2020 | Lexington, Ky. | $125, or $225 with workshop | The conference focuses on the work of women writers. | conference site | ||
*NINC (Novelists Inc.) | Sept. 23-26, 2020 | St. Pete Beach, Fla. | $425 plus membership in NINC | NINC brings together multi-published, multi-genre authors who publish traditionally, independently or both. You must join NINC to attend. | | ||
Pacific Northwest Writers Association | Sept. 24-27, 2020 | Seattle | $375 PNWA members; $475 nonmembers | PNWA provides members with tools and opportunities to turn their writing dreams into reality. Its mission is to develop writing talent through education, accessibility to the publishing industry and participation in an interactive writer community. | | ||
OCTOBER 2020 | |||||||
Writer's Hotel Nonfiction Weekend | Oct. 1-5, 2020 | Online | $2,000 | Capped at 40 writers. "The Writer’s Hotel Virtual Weekend Conferences are generative and include Genre Labs (generative workshops) and dynamic craft and publishing lectures, curated by Directors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven of The Writer's Hotel NYC Writers Conference. We take writers and their writing to the next level. Our Weekend Conferences are a bit shorter than our larger conference and they are also much cheaper." | | ||
Indie Romance Convention | Oct. 7-11, 2020 | Lebanon, Tenn. | $140 authors, $45 readers | IRC offers three days of workshops, panels and an afternoon book signing. You’ll find a mix of indie, hybrid and small-press authors among the attendees—roughly 40 authors and 55 readers. | conference site | ||
The Writer's Hotel All-Fiction Virtual Conference | Oct. 14-20, 2020 | Online | $3,250 | Two directors read full manuscripts (typically 100K words) before the conference and also place a phone call to go over the manuscripts submitted. Workshops, lectures and author readings have been moved online as part of this independent program. | | ||
Bouchercon | Oct. 15-18, 2020 | Sacramento, Calif. | $225 | Bouchercon (pronounced BOW-chur-con) is the annual world mystery convention where every year readers, writers, publishers, editors, agents, booksellers and other lovers of mystery and crime fiction gather for a four-day weekend of education, entertainment and fun. | | ||
GayRomLit (GRL) | Oct. 15-18, 2020 | St. Louis | $225 | GayRomLit is an annual retreat that brings together the people who create and celebrate LGBT romance for a one-of-a-kind, must-attend gathering of dynamic, informal and diverse fun. | | ||
Vancouver Writers Fest | Oct. 19-25, 2020 | Vancouver, B.C. | Not yet announced | The Vancouver Writers Fest encourages readers of all ages to explore the power of storytelling and books through dozens of events with local and international writers. About 2,000 people attend on some days. | | ||
Writer's Hotel Poetry Weekend | Oct. 22-26, 2020 | Online | $2,000 | Capped at 40 poets. "The Writer’s Hotel Virtual Weekend Conferences are generative and include Genre Labs (generative workshops) and dynamic craft and publishing lectures, curated by Directors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven of The Writer's Hotel NYC Writers Conference. We take writers and their writing to the next level. Our Weekend Conferences are a bit shorter than our larger conference and they are also much cheaper." | | ||
Surrey International Writers' Conference | Oct. 23-25, 2020 | Surrey, B.C. | $479-$649 | The Surrey International Writers' Conference is a workshop-based conference with a focus on development of skills and industry-based knowledge. From beginning to widely published writers, this is a good place to hone your skills, learn more about markets and network for future sales. Pitch sessions available. | | ||
NOVEMBER 2020 | |||||||
Sanibel Island Writers Conference | Nov. 5-8, 2020 | Ft. Meyers, Fla., area | TBA | Participants at all stages of development — from notebook scribblers to published novelists — are invited to attend a variety of workshops in fiction, poetry, songwriting, children’s literature, journalism, screenwriting and creative nonfiction; panels on publishing and editing; and readings, keynote addresses and concerts. The event is run by Florida Gulf Coast University. | | ||
*20Books Vegas Conference | Nov. 10-12, 2020 | Las Vegas, Nev. | $130-$200 | Put on by indie publishing impresarios Craig Martelle and Michael Anderle, 20Books is the largest indie authors conference in the world, drawing about 700 attendees. Some of the world's best-selling indie authors will be on hand as well as aspiring authors and everyone in between. | | ||
Philadelphia Writing Workshop | Nov. 14, 2020 | Philadelphia | $189+ | This full-day “How to Get Published” writing event offers a chance to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor and get your questions answered. Limited to 200 writers. | Conference site | ||
DECEMBER 2020 | |||||||
No major events listed. | |||||||
2021 | |||||||
Seymour Agency Writer's Winter Escape Cruise | Feb. 7-14, 2021 | Miami to Nassau, Bahamas | Not announced; 2019 event was $202 plus cruise fare | Working writer’s retreat on Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas offers both published and unpublished authors the chance to pitch NY editors and LA film producers, attend sessions and network with other industry professionals. | Seymour Agency | ||
Historical Novel Society North American Conference | June 24-26, 2021 | San Antonio, Texas | last event cost $425 members, $495 nonmembers | Widely known as the top conference for historical fiction, the biennial Historical Novel Society North American Conference is geared toward readers and writers of historical novels and will feature presentations, panels, preconference workshops, pitch sessions with agents and editors and more. | |