How does Marlowe work?
Our artificial intelligence, Marlowe, has analyzed tens of thousands of novels. When you submit your manuscript our A.I. compares your work to the books in its knowledge base to give feedback on the key elements of your novel, from pacing, story structure, and comparable titles to sentence stats, dialogue vs narrative and cliche use.
The analysis is delivered as a report, so that you can choose which of the recommendations to implement.
How do I get an analysis of my novel?
You can purchase our Marlowe Pro analysis as a one-off report ($45) or as part of a Marlowe Pro membership (two reports for $29.95/month or $199 a year). We also offer the free Basic report, a limited version of the Pro report. You can find more details here:
Once you’ve bought the report, or joined a Marlowe Plan, you submit your manuscript on our site. In about five minutes, Marlowe, our artificial intelligence, analyzes the manuscript, comparing it to the tens of thousands of novels that it has already analyzed, and produces a comprehensive report, with suggestions of how, and why, you might edit your work.
How long do I have to wait for a report?
For about five to 10 minutes! Whether you run the Basic or Pro report, Marlowe will email your novel’s report to you within minutes and also store it in the My Reports section of your account. Be sure to add [email protected] to your contact list to make sure it doesn’t end up in spam.
Will I still need an editor or proofreader?
The Marlowe Pro report offers insight into the structure, pacing and potential of your manuscript. And the report will point out many of the elements that a developmental editor or proofreader might identify, such as story beats, overuse of certain words, possible spelling mistakes and much more.
That said, unless you’re a really good editor as well as a good writer, we recommend that you work with real human beings to edit and proofread your work after you incorporate Marlowe’s feedback. Don’t forget beta readers, too.
Does it work on nonfiction? How about short stories?
Currently our A.I. can perform an analysis on any long-form narrative, including novels, biographies, histories and novellas. Although it can read and offer feedback on nonfiction, its real expertise and experience is primarily with fiction.
Can Marlowe be used to analyze sections of my manuscript before I have a full draft?
Technically, yes. Marlowe can read and analyze texts of any length and provide useful feedback about chapters, sections, and even scenes. However, its methods and metrics are most effective and reliable when it has a complete draft. We recommend that you submit at least 20,000 words.
If I follow Marlowe’s recommendations, won’t my novel become formulaic?
No. Seasoned authors know that the best stories are told within the broad contours of an existing narrative framework. It’s the specifics of your story, your characters, and your writing that will set it apart.
Readers have certain expectations when they begin reading a new book. They don’t want to pick up what seems to be a thriller and discover 50 pages in that it’s actually a paranormal romance. Yes, you can break the rules and stretch genre boundaries — go for it! — but it’s good to know what those rules are so you can break them intentionally, not by accident.
Can I find all this stuff elsewhere?
You may find some of the information and advice in other places. But we have the only A.I.-based end-to-end manuscript analysis tool for authors and the only tool that’s been designed by Matthew Jockers, co-author of The Bestseller Code.
Do I need to be good with technology to use Marlowe, the manuscript analysis tool?
Not at all! As long as you can convert your manuscript into a Word or plain-text document, you’re good to go. We’ve made the whole process simple for authors. It’s Marlowe and its programmers who perform the technical wizardry.
Can I download or print the reports?
Absolutely! Once Marlowe runs a report, it’s emailed to you in PDF format. It’s also available for you to access when you log into your account. Either way, you can print or download it to your computer for permanent record-keeping.
Any plans for an author dashboard?
Can I publish my report online?
Sorry, that’s not allowed under the Terms of Service. However, you’re free to use component parts, such as screenshots of the graphics, and share them.
Why is the manuscript analysis tool called Marlowe?
Marlowe is named for both Christopher Marlowe, the Elizabethan tragedian who inspired Shakespeare, and Philip Marlowe, Raymond Chandler’s hardboiled private eye who plays chess and reads poetry. We like to think it has Philip Marlowe’s intellect and investigative skills and Christopher Marlowe’s pioneering spirit and love for the written word.