Authors A.I. is a service for authors, created and run by authors. So we’re used to blunt criticism and unfettered feedback. That said, we’re real people with real feelings. We ask that you follow these guidelines when you’re on our site.
Be kind
Stay calm and don’t make personal attacks. We’re happy for members to share information and knowledge with each other, and even happier if everyone remembers to say please and thank you.
Be respectful
If you’re asking for advice, remember that everyone here was starting out themselves once. Not everyone will want to share their secrets and ideas. Be grateful if they do, and be gracious and understanding when they don’t.
Be polite

We encourage discussions and we know people don’t always agree. Constructive criticism and feedback are how we learn and develop.
That’s never an excuse for bullying, trolling or comments about race, religion, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender, identity – or any other personal traits. And there’s rarely a good reason for prolonged bouts of obscenity (even if your readers love them).
If we find any of those or receive complaints, we will remove those comments.
Be trustworthy
This is a public site for authors and aspiring authors. We want members to feel confident when they discuss their work, whether that’s titles, artwork or plot points. Please don’t betray anyone’s trust or confidence. Don’t share, screenshot or publish any confidential information that members share on this site.
Be conscientious
It may sound obvious, but please make sure your posts are easy to read (check your spelling and grammar) and relevant. You’re more likely to get a response that way.
And finally…
Don’t be spammy
This isn’t the place to promote your services, your book, or links to a one-day sale of sunglasses. If you’ve got services to offer authors, please contact us at [email protected].