Co-founder & Chief Science Officer

Co-founder, President & romance author

Co-founder & thriller author
We authors are a famously independent bunch.
Once in a while, though, we see the value in collaborating on a big idea. And so we’ve joined together to create a tech startup run by and for authors. Our big idea is to put the power of A.I. into the hands of published and aspiring authors at an affordable rate.
We’re passionate about great books and cool technologies. But most of all, we’re excited by the prospect of helping fellow authors modernize their self-editing process so they can more easily write books that find large readerships.
We’re passionate about great books and cool technologies. But most of all, we’re excited by the prospect of helping fellow authors find large readerships.
Our venture began when two authors and tech entrepreneurs, J.D. Lasica and Matthew Jockers, began working on the idea of creating a new social hub for book lovers accompanied by a new suite of tools for fiction writers. J.D., a thriller author and Silicon Valley startup founder, was fascinated by the lessons in Matt’s book The Bestseller Code, co-authored by Jodie Archer. Matt was looking to work with a group of talented authors to field-test and enhance his A.I. algorithm.
A marriage was born.
Soon bestselling romance author Alessandra Torre joined as the third founder. Within months our team assembled a community of more than 100 bestselling authors and expert advisors. Together we’ve helped refine and expand Matt’s original algorithm to make it suited to the popular fiction marketplace.
Now we’re using Marlowe – our name for the company’s fiction-savvy bot – to help fine-tune our own manuscripts while making it available to authors everywhere who want to elevate their craft and sell more books. And our latest initiative, Marlowe Recommends, is about to bring AI-powered book recommendations to readers, book retailers and publishers.
Please check out Marlowe or see a sample AI report She’s pretty slick already, but we’re just getting started.
– Alessandra, J.D., and the entire Authors A.I. team