AI for fiction writers Archives - Authors A.I.
What goes into making a book a bestseller?

What goes into making a book a bestseller?

What makes a book a bestseller? A new artificial intelligence tool enables authors to make adjustments to their work and potentially create multiple bestsellers.

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Author posts, MarloweJune 19, 2020
A thorn in any author’s side — the cliche

A thorn in any author’s side — the cliche

Authors looking to identify cliches in their novels or long-form fiction can now use a cliche finder through Marlowe, an artificial intelligence from Authors A.I.

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MarloweJune 4, 2020
How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

I had just sent the final version of my latest thriller off to be analyzed by Marlowe, the Authors A.I. textual analysis bot. Could she help me write a better book?

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