AI fiction analysis Archives - Authors A.I.
Author posts, MarloweJune 23, 2020
What I learned about my novel from an A.I.

What I learned about my novel from an A.I.

Marlowe, the new artificial intelligence for fiction, doesn't have all the answers, but she offers a lot of actionable insights that any author would find eye opening when they're rewriting and fine-tuning their manuscripts.

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MarloweJune 15, 2020
Do you use crutch phrases and not even know it?

Do you use crutch phrases and not even know it?

One of the coolest things about our novel-loving A.I. editor is her ability to expand into new areas based on suggestions from the author community. Here's a look at our newest feature, repetitive phrases.

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MarloweJune 4, 2020
How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

How an artificial intelligence judged my novel

I had just sent the final version of my latest thriller off to be analyzed by Marlowe, the Authors A.I. textual analysis bot. Could she help me write a better book?

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