Marlowe is an artificial intelligence that helps authors improve their novels and long-form fiction. She was created in January 2020 by Matthew Jockers, Ph.D., co-author of The Bestseller Code, abetted by a surrounding cast of bestselling authors who have been contributing ideas and enhancements to her reports.
Put Marlowe to work on your own novel

Here are a few fun facts about this fiction-savvy critique partner.
She’s fast. Marlowe can read your book and deliver a 16+ page comprehensive critique within 15 minutes.
She’s inexpensive. With the Basic report FREE and the Pro report priced at a fraction of the cost of a human editor, Marlowe allows you to run multiple versions of your report and can be used at every stage in the life of your manuscript. Let Marlowe identify and help you solve early issues before your manuscript reaches an editor or beta readers.
She doesn’t play favorites. Marlowe doesn’t judge, whether your book is a light-as-air fantasy or a thriller filled with gore or violence. She reads all fictional genres and subgenres and returns equal and unbiased feedback.
She knows what goes into a good story. Seriously. Marlowe can critique punctuation, sentence structure, reading level and more. The Pro version also analyses character traits, plot arcs, narrative arcs, pacing. And lets you see how they compare with bestselling novels in the same genre.
Ready to try Marlowe?
Take a look at what you get
Click the image to view the Marlowe Basic report for a new title and the Marlowe PRO report on a bestseller, both by Alessandra Torre.
Want insights like these for your novel?
More about Marlowe, the Authors A.I. manuscript analysis tool
How do I get started?
Step 1. Join our Basic plan by signing up here. We need to get a little information from you so that we can send you your report.
Step 2. Submit your manuscript in MS Word (.doc, .docx) or plain text (.txt). Marlowe critiques any genre, general fiction or literary work. She prefers manuscripts with a minimum length of 20,000 words.
Step 3. Marlowe goes to work and sends back your report by email — usually in less than fifteen minutes — so you’ll soon be ready to start using her feedback to update your manuscript.
That’s it in a nutshell. (Marlowe would flag us for that cliché!)
What sort of A.I. does Marlowe use?
Marlowe uses Classical Artificial Intelligence, which does not have any generative ability or training. No works that Marlowe reads can be used for the training or creation of content.
Instead, we use analytical AI to compare manuscripts or ebooks with our corpus (or database library) of thousands of published novels. You can read all about our ethical use of A.I. here.
Why Marlowe?
Marlowe is named for both Christopher Marlowe, the Elizabethan tragedian who inspired Shakespeare, and Philip Marlowe, Raymond Chandler’s hardboiled private eye who plays chess and reads poetry. We like to think she has Philip Marlowe’s intellect and investigative skills and Christopher Marlowe’s pioneering spirit and love for the written word.
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