An open house for authors: Help us spread the word - Authors A.I.

Our First Draft Friday open houses kick off this Friday, June 5. We’d like a few hundred outside authors to sign up, so please help us spread the word!

What it is

First Draft Friday is a new interactive video chat we’ll be having with the author community. We’ll have guest speakers as well as appearances by bestselling authors from the Authors A.I. team, giveaways, prizes, free handouts of writing tips, and more, and we’ll do it twice a month. This is our first step in building a knowledge base for authors on the craft of writing. 


Help us get the word out

We’re counting on our founding authors to help us spread the word to the online author communities you belong to. We also hope you can mention our open house on your website, on your Facebook personal page, or as a mention in your newsletter for future events. 

Below is an image and a blurb you can grab.

For your Facebook page:

Hey, author friends. Save your spot for the kickoff First Draft Friday open house with a Facebook Live stream, giveaways of 5 writing books, and two bestselling authors talking craft! Friday, June 5, at 5 pm ET. Register for free here:

First Draft Friday graphic

For your Twitter page:

Authors! Don’t miss out on the new First Draft Friday open house.

5 chances to win a book on novel writing plus a Facebook Live stream of bestselling authors talking craft. June 5 at 5 pm ET. Save your spot!

#writingtips #writerslife #authors #amwriting 

For your Instagram page:

Authors! Don’t miss out on the new First Draft Friday open house.

5 chances to win a novel writing book, plus a Facebook Live stream of bestselling authors talking craft. June 5 at 5 pm ET. Save your spot!









And here’s a square, Instagram-friendly image:

First Draft Friday

Do you have any questions about this promo? Email Alessandra at [email protected] or JD at [email protected].