Club Indie - Authors A.I.

Welcome, Club Indie authors!

We’re honored you’ve accepted our private invitation
Marlowe graph
A screengrab from Marlowe’s A.I. analysis of a manuscript.

Welcome, fellow authors!

We’re the folks behind Authors A.I., a new startup created by and for authors.

As our special guest, you’ll be getting an exclusive advance look at the private beta of our new site, Not only that, but you’ll get a free A.I. Analysis of one of your manuscripts — it’s on us! 

Authors A.I. is a new service to help writers everywhere improve their storytelling craft and sell more books. Our artificial intelligence, Marlowe, was created by Matthew Jockers, Ph.D., co-author of The Bestseller Code, along with a cast of bestselling indie authors on the team.

Please click the “Get My Free Report” button below and enter the coupon code clubindie. (Here’s how to do it.) Please run a report and then let us know what you think on this questionnaire.

Hope Marlowe helps you sell lots more of your fiction!

 — Alessandra, JD, Matt & the rest of the Authors A.I. team